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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Dad at the Kanesville Tabernacle during their mission to Winter Quarters

Today's challenge is to talk about my parents. Mom and Dad have been the most wonderful example in my life. They have shown me what love is. They have taught me the gospel and shown me how to grow my own testimony. I was able to go through the temple for the first time with them while they were serving their first mission in Winter Quarters.
Mom is an artist. She sketches and paints, sews and quilts, and she taught me how to play the piano. She is very patient. She put up with my tantrums when I didn't want to practice or have my piano lessons. She is a wonderful teacher, though we had different learning styles that made it difficult for her to help me with my work. She gets exited about the smallest accomplishments we achieve. It's easy to see how much she loves each of her children and grandchildren. Mom is always there when I need someone to talk to. She'll listen and really care about what is going on in my life, no matter how trivial it seems. She has taught me to take care of myself. I remember being sick when I was younger. I would go to her and tell her, "I don't feel good." Her response would be, "I don't know what to tell you, honey." She let me learn for myself how to nurse myself back to health. I value those lessons that helped me to become more independent.

    Mom at home this morning

Dad has never been a very affectionate man. Hugs from him are rare, but when they come, you can feel the full power of his love in them. It's rare for him to say out loud that he loves you, but he has never failed to make me feel loved. I know of his love from the concern he puts into my well-being. When there are problems, Dad can fix them. He can always give me the advice I need. I am grateful that he takes his responsibilities as a priesthood holder seriously and lives a righteous life so that when I need comfort or guidance that only our Father in Heaven can provide, I know I can ask for a blessing. Dad has a dry sense on humor that can take some getting used to. He gets it from his dad and has passed it on to many of his kids. He would do anything for Mom. It's easy to see the love he holds for her. There is a quote that says, "A man can do nothing more for his children than to love his wife." My dad is the perfect example of this quote, and has done more than words can say for his children.

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